PE and Sports Premium
High Well School expanded in September 2021 to take a Year 6 cohort and therefore were eligible to receive a PE and Sports Premium grant. £4,083 was received for Sept 2021 - March 2022 and £2,917 was received for April 2022 - August 2022), totalling £7,000 in the 2021-22 academic year.
As 2021-22 was High Well School's first cohort of Year 6, and due to a backlog from Covid-19, we were unfortunately unable to access swimming lessons for the 2021-22 academic year but, we will be accessing this in September 2022 for the Year 7's (current Y6) and the new year 6 classes.
We have appointed a PE specialist (who started in April 2022) and currently undertakes the following every week:
- 135 mins of PE and Sport with a PE specialist
- Daily mile activities
From September 2021, the funding has been spent on:
- Storage resource for PE and outdoor play activities
- Basket ball hoops and balls
- Football goal (fixed)
- Transporting pupils from the Y6 provision to the High Well School main site for PE lessons
- Cover costs for active learning within school lessons
- Continuous Professional Development