Transporting Pupils in staff personal vehicles
Due to the nature of High Well School, pupils are frequently transported in staff personal vehicles, due to there being no other reasonable alternative, and the benefits outweighing the risks.
This may be for the following reasons (but not inclusive):
- Attendance related, e.g. if the Attendance Officer has done a home visit and the student and parent agree that the student can be transported with the Officer to school.
- Dropping students off at home after school e.g. for reasons such as after school clubs, detention etc
- Picking students up to take to school when their transport arrangements have failed.
- Transporting students to / from offsite provisions
- School trips, visits etc
High Well School understand that they have a duty of care and will ensure the following:
- All drivers of students are employees of High Well School;
- All drivers of students properly understand their duty of care and any agreed responsibilities for supervision;
- All drivers are fit and well;
- Parents are informed about the transport arrangements;
- Evidence is obtained from drivers that:
- The vehicle is safe. This means that it holds a valid MOT certificate and that the driver certifies it has been serviced.
- The driver is suitable. This means that they hold a valid licence for the type of vehicle and the driving licence status has been checked.
- There is a valid insurance policy covering the driver and the vehicle for the intended use. This requires that the driver has ‘business use’ cover.
Tax and MOT status are checked at
Driver licence details are checked at (the driver needs to provide a check code from
High Well school will keep evidence of these checks having been carried out.
Good practice / consideration is also given to the potential distraction of the driver and the supervision of the students. The driver will make a judgement about the likely behaviour and individual needs of the students. If any of them may require close supervision, then another member of staff should travel in the vehicle so that the driver is not distracted or compromised.
Careful consideration is given before allowing a driver to be alone with a student, as this could leave both of them vulnerable. Transport arrangements are planned based on viewing the risk assessment of each student to ensure the benefits outweigh the risks.
All High Well Staff are DBS checked.